Baka Kynte: Claymore - Chapter 106

Baka Kynte

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Claymore - Chapter 106

Phantom's Ambush

Foreshadowing in chapter 82 - No title, Tabitha and Miria stay in the Holy Town of Rabona. Meanwhile, set aside the fight of Claire and Priscilla somewhere out in this so-called continent of them Miria decided to go to the organization's den. She cut Tabitha's left arm because she don't want her to come along and die. To make it simple she don't want another friend of her to die before her eyes. She just cut her just to immobilize though.

When Miria arrive at the organization's den she obliterate the whole army of Claymores as well as the High-number ones. As expected through her passion in practicing her phantasm skills and plus her experience in fighting with different opponents she somehow immobilize the Claymore leaving them asleep and go straight to the bosses of the organizations. But the observers show their new experiment that could, at least be like Alicia and Beth in the near future. They are twins as well, their names are still unknown and yet they are powerful. Both twins can be a Abyssal Creature and they could control each others youki just like Alicia and Beth. End of the chapter.

It's good to see something new not like the two previous lame chapter with nothing but shitty blabbering of I wait for damn long to get my revenger sorta thingy. The new twins is so bad-ass. Can't wait to see if Miria can do this alone fighting against two Abyssal Creature.

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