Baka Kynte: Highschool of the dead - Episode 05

Baka Kynte

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Highschool of the dead - Episode 05

Streets of the Dead

The recent episode of HOTD which is Running of the Dead turns out to be controversial in terms of racist to Koreans. Koreans are now on rage-mode because of internet/multi-media racist and defamation. A character who looks like Bae Yong-Joon, a K-artist, was depicted on the 5th episode and chapter of Highschool of the Dead and was easily got owned by blowing his head-off by a headshot. The Korean's wants to add-up the censorship of the show or even pull-out the said series. How cool is that? I mean .. for your information Bae Yong-Joon is known for his work on some Korean tv drama series like The Legend. And as far as my research reach he has recently made a R-18 show titled "Scandal" and it cause some issues over Japan. Ah ~ that makes sense. 

Let's get to the story. I really enjoy this weeks episode because I finally see on action Minami Rika (Marikawa's friend). She has a curly hair, tan complexion and bust as well. She really goods in sniping. She's one of the top 5 high rank class in sniping. Scary but sexy >:3. At the bus scene, they finally establish some guts to rebel against Shidou-sensei way-to-deal-on--things-shit. Like the scene where they were in the bus he was talking with a girl and girl looks like she's gonna have orgasm. Something like that. But my only complain here is the unnecessary Yuri scene and pantsu shots on this weeks episode that lead me to puke. I don't like any Yuri animes nothing much to blog on thi episode ... the yuri scene ruined it! god damn it. 

Overall, this is my second to the not worthy episode of Highschool of the Dead thus far. But the next episode, episode 6 is something to look forward though .... I wish for good censorship .... they should not remove the Oppai shot there! or else!!! 

Note: I didn't take pictures of the episode because it's too hassle for me to do so for a boring episode like this. The first half is interesting though.  

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