Baka Kynte: My Land of Chaos First Play

Baka Kynte

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Land of Chaos First Play

Land Of Chaos Online launch it's Open Beta Test yesterday night (Philippines GMT) So I decided to play it and get some a  bit of review over it.

Holy Crap! laptop got some crash shit things ... may be because of the very cheap video card I have. Anyways, I'll go straight, I'll just tell what I have experienced tonights game. Well, first of all the graphics is totally bad ass ... it's 3D High End game so expect super awesome character illustration as well as the top notch battlefield/arena sorta. The gore isn't the specialty of the game ... it focuses  more on team play  but I kinda dumbfounded when I literally defeated 3 opponents with just me. I'm so cool! Fucking shit! Haha ~

I got 35 Kills on my first game! I am so bad ass! Face the wrath of my Lightning hammer!! hohoho ~
Screen Captures that I took awhile ago while playing LOCO


  1. LOL how dyou play teh game??

  2. im sorry that I didn't put all the gameplay of this game .... it's a third person DOTA-like game. You play a single hero ... you could swap hero if you die ..... main objective of the game is to destroy the main castle/tower of your opponent.
