Baka Kynte: Realizations...

Baka Kynte

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I was watching Seikon no Qwaser episode three last midnight and DAMN!
I almost fap over Ekaterina Kurae!

Long twin-tailed blonde hair, deep-set azure eyes, sexy gothic lolita fashion, and a moe personality. Imagine her unzipping her dress slowly... and then the lights suddenly doused!
yeah, I think I'd do the same as that Hana(or whatever her name is), to satisfy myself once and for all! Unless I'm hindered by her bloodstained mechanical mom XD
I'll let you kiss me in myother parts as well <3
The only downside to this is Ekaterina may be having a yuri partner. Bleh~ Oh, and also those stupid censorships. They're going to give me a heart attack from hearing only the moans. Uncensored Qwasers' are hard to find these days, no?

Lastly, I'm wondering, is there any doujin related to this anime, specifically for Ekaterina? If so, then please inform me this instant! But then again if its yuri, don't bother >w<